If I asked people why they were asking for money, they would say it was because they could buy something with it. These are essential for normal human existence. But while everyone reacts this way, some may react differently at the same time. Some are motivated to raise money for other reasons. And goodies.
How do people with selfish reasons differ from people with collectable reasons? Of course, especially since collectors are often interested in money that they no longer pay. And in fact, they are mainly interested in such invalid funds, but there are also exceptions.
Collectors are looking for money, coins and banknotes, as well as unique and oldest ones. On the one hand, the less they are, the higher their value in terms of finance, and on the other hand, there is a probability of bordering on certainty that there is no other such thing. What is unique here remains unique.
In this case, due to the fact that these are somehow defective specimens, and the printer should not be left at all and should be disposed of, high demand is enjoyed even by money, but not only new, but also unique. Given how rare such works are, their value can be much higher than the face value.
Coins minted in small series also arouse some interest, as in the case of coins minted in a particular year, when no additional cash is needed and only a limited amount is minted for collectors. Equally interesting today are some of the 31-year-old ten crowns that can be paid like other ten crowns, but due to their particular differences, they have a much higher value for collectors.
Ale pokud někdo chce,mーže sbírat i peníze,jež se hodnotné nepovažují,sotva někdy nabydou ceny takové,aby se vyplatilo je schraňovat. Já mám například docela slušnou sbírku ještě donedávna používaných deseti-až padesátihaléřů. Let se prý Metrology and Control Society mohly časem stát trochu cennまjšími by Které, Ale vzhledem k jejich množství,které z zstalo mezi lidmi, bych na musel čekat zejejm asp aspoま několik staletí ne-li tisícま. Neš se ty ostatní poztrácejí a tím se z těchměch stane aspoš relativnívzácnost.