Crocheting, like sewing and other handicrafts, was until recently the art of grandmothers. For today it has become trendy and many women, whether on maternity leave or in moments of boredom, have started crocheting animals, blankets and various household accessories. Apart from being wonderful creations if one can really handle it, these are mostly favourite toys for children. I found this out myself when I had a classic teddy bear in pants made for my nephew and the little one was smitten with it. And by acquiring this fact, I started to get more interested in this kind of handmade crafts, and thus I plan to start improving my skills. You really need to take the time to get the hang of it at first, it takes time.
háčkované hračky
A great help for getting started is a grandmother who can crochet or a book on crochet that describes techniques. Once you\’ve memorized terms like: YO, PO, dc, PDS, etc.
And besides being a joy for children, crochet patterns have become a trend for this year\’s spring and summer fashions. A fashion that was most worn in the 70s and 90s. But to crochet a dress, for example, takes real passion and a lot of time to spare. That\’s why I prefer to buy in the shop. I remember when we had crocheted swimsuits at home, interesting to look at, but as soon as you jumped into the water with them, they immediately got soaked and were three times heavier.
pletená zvířátka
If we look at crochet from a psychological point of view, it has been proven that knitting, crocheting, sewing and other similar activities help to maintain mental balance. They even prevent addictions, depression, and even delay the onset of dementia. It is a mistake to think that knitting, crocheting etc. is only a woman\’s thing. Even the famous American actor Russell Crowe knits and claims it helps him manage anger.
The human brain produces a chemical called dopamine, which helps you feel more motivated, happier and also promotes concentration, i.e. focusing in one direction. Even a doctor working at the University of Arizona points out that textile therapy (crocheting, sewing, knitting, etc.) plays an important role in improving mood and counteracting depressive states. Perhaps this is why this kind of home-made art has become a trend nowadays.

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