The butterfly collection
Invite a girl to a butterfly collection? She would have to love you a lot to be able to tolerate this hobby of yours. Being a passionate entomologist was extremely exciting in the era of black and white films starring Natasha Goll and Hugo Haas. It was, in short, a very romantic period when natural beauty clashed with the achievements of the industrial revolution. A collection of butterflies could contrast sharply with the entrance hall of a wealthy industrialist or his sports car.
All the other collections are similar today. Women are not very fond of them, they are more the domain of men, but there are exceptions when both partners share the same hobby, for example listening to music from a collection of vinyl records.
When you say “housewife”, everyone imagines a woman in an apron, or at least in sporty home clothes, shuffling from the kitchen sink to the stove, chopping, grating, baking, frying. If there\’s a homebody in the living room next door, sprawled out on the sofa, TV remote in hand, then we pity you. Today, however, it is increasingly common in partnered life to hobby together over the chopping board with a peek at online cookery recipes. The number of men who can create a masterful stew, sirloin steak, or traditional Italian pasta al dente is simply growing. And moments spent together in the kitchen can strengthen the relationship between two people in love in a way that amazes experienced psychologists.
Art hobbies
The visual arts have fascinated mankind since time immemorial. Unfortunately, today\’s world does not favour it very much, people often lack their own imagination, brazenly accept foreign designs, and a primitive way of entertaining prevails, which is still supported by the high-quality optics of a digital camera or smartphone. To engage in watercolour, charcoal, oil painting, comics, sculpture, carving, modelling, ceramics, requires a calm atmosphere, which, however, can contribute to its consolidation in a partnership.
According to statistics, one in fifteen people in the Czech Republic is active in music and plays a musical instrument. People today are simply rather passive listeners. During socialism, children were encouraged to play music much more and this was also reflected in their future relationships. However, there are still couples who like to sing to each other, play guitar around the campfire and let the romance in their souls run free. And let\’s face it, a man who completely unexpectedly performs a piano etude or plays something poignant on the guitar and accompanies the song with his voice immediately rises in price with a girl.