Recently, one of the largest brick manufacturing and supplying companies declared a stop condition. They can\’t keep up production, the demand is too great and, worlds wonder, all year round. There is no quieter winter season when one buys building materials even at a big discount. They build all the time, without a break, and it\’s still not enough.
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Is the population growing so much, or what is it? The prices of flats and land are climbing higher and higher month by month and yet there is so much interest. It\’s the still relatively affordable mortgages that are doing it. All we need is a relatively small amount of our own money saved up to buy a property and we can borrow the rest. Many people who already own their own home invest in another one to add to their future retirement or to provide housing for their offspring. The mortgage will pay for the rental of the property they have bought and they have it for almost nothing at the end or even with some return. This, of course, in turn increases the interest in prices as well.
If we look at the price map of the country, we find huge differences. You can see where people want to live and where they don\’t. The Ostrava or Ústí regions are not very popular and you can buy flats there for a fraction of what they cost in Prague, Brno or Hradec Králové.
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Those who can\’t afford to buy an apartment in a new building or build their own house can buy an older apartment and gradually renovate it as finances allow. Or choose one of the cheaper and more accessible options. Just have a piece of land somewhere and you can buy a mobile home or a or a mobile wood home. Convenience is assured, you\’ll have plenty of space and you\’ll be living in and on your own. And you still have the option of moving your home somewhere else in the future. Or you can sell it, have it removed and build a brick house. There are certainly options, you just have to do a little research.

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