Ask practically anyone about a book they think is beautiful or of good quality, and they will most likely name an author from the past. The same is true of buildings; few would choose a modern building.

From this one might infer that artists were simply better in the past. But after all, this is only our opinion.

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Everyone probably agrees that William Shakespeare is one of the most important authors of all time. Everyone knows the titles of his plays, such as Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night\’s Dream. He is considered one of the finest playwrights and has the nickname “The Bard. His plays are generally considered to be of high quality for high society.

Thus, it may surprise you that this was certainly not the case in his day. At the time he wrote and published, his works were intended for the general public and certainly were not considered “first-rate.” On the contrary, they were considered entertaining works for the lower classes. Today, however, he is considered one of the best.

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The same can be said of painters like Vincent van Gogh, author of such highly regarded works today as “Starry Moonlight” and “Sunflowers. However, at the time Van Gogh painted, his pictures were considered “graffiti” and people certainly did not pay much attention to them.

As for architecture, the world-famous Eiffel Tower in Paris might be useful here. Today it is the symbol of the city and one of the most famous buildings in the world. However, at the time of its construction, people did not look upon the Eiffel Tower with such admiration. On the contrary, it was referred to in very derogatory terms.

What can be inferred from this is that at one time people were neither better nor more skillful. They are just more respected in retrospect. And who knows which contemporary works will become classics perhaps 100 years from now.

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